So many rewards can come out of connections made through blogging and global collaboration. I love watching my students learn about literacy, maths, geography, technology, history and all sorts of things about life around the world with their blogging buddies. It is such an authentic and memorable way to learn. Last November when we were […]
Parents Shining in the Blogging Community
Educational blogging is so much more meaningful and rewarding when it occurs within a blogging community. It takes time and persistence to establish your own blogging community. When I first started blogging with my class in 2008, we received the odd comment from a student or parent but there was no other audience or interaction. […]
Reflection on Our World, Our Stories
The Our World, Our Stories project has come to an end this week. It has been one of the most rewarding experiences of 2011 for my class. My grade two students worked with classes in the USA, Canada, Belize, New Zealand and Ghana to share their stories and learn about how others live. We used […]
Are You On Twitter Yet?
Earlier this year, Kelly Jordan and I gave a few presentations on using Twitter for educators at various events. If you’re not yet on Twitter, read this post to find out some reasons why you should be. Confused about the Twitter language? Hopefully this brief explanation will help. Need more tips? Check out my post […]
QuadBlogging Video
QuadBlogging is something I have blogged about here earlier this year. The term QuadBlogging was coined by David Mitchell. The concept: four blogging classes come together and learn about one another one week at a time. Each week a different blog in the quad is the focus and the other three classes take the time […]
Start Your Own Global Project: A 10 Step Guide

Like the idea of connecting with classes overseas? This 10 step guide shows you how to easily set up your own global project so your students can learn from and with others from all corners of the globe.
Our World, Our Stories
Next week, my class will be joining in with many of their “blogging buddies” from around the world in a new global project. This project is called Our World, Our Stories and the blog will be our central meeting place. After months of planning, we look forward to launching this seven week project on […]
The Power of Twitter
In the last few weeks Kelly Jordan and I have been speaking to teachers and school leaders at the VITTA conference, ICON conference and our own school about the power of Twitter. In our presentation we shared how we use Twitter every day as a form of ongoing, personalised and invaluable professional development. We stressed […]
RSCON3 – Collaborating with Global Blogging Buddies
Want to learn about how my students and I have connected with blogging buddies around the world? As I have blogged about here, RSCON3 is the third Reform Symposium e-conference for educators. It is 100% free and is scheduled to be held on July 30th – August 1st, 2011. My presentation – Connecting with Global […]
All About Twitter Hashtags
After writing my Teacher Challenge guest post on using Twitter to build your PLN, I was asked by a number of people about hashtags. I know when I first started using Twitter, it took me a little while to get my head around what the # symbol meant. This is a handy feature of Twitter […]
RSCON3 – Free PD in your PJs!
Want the chance to be inspired by education professionals from around the world while relaxing in your PJs? RSCON3 is the third Reform Symposium e-conference for educators. It is 100% free and is scheduled to be held on July 30th – August 1st, 2011. RSCON3 will focus on interactive presentations that help teachers create engaging […]
Guest Post about Twitter on PLN Challenge
As I have blogged about before, Edublogs supports a Student Blogging Challenge and Teacher Blogging Challenge which are two excellent forms of free professional development. The current Teacher Blogging Challenge is called “30 Days to a Whole New PLN”. There will be two or three posts each week about setting up, enhancing, and participating in […]
Top 10 Twitter Tips!
Without a doubt, Twitter is my number one form of professional development and I am always recommending it to other educators. I first joined Twitter in early 2009 although I didn’t start using it daily until early 2010. I find Twitter to be a one stop shop to meet like-minded educators. It is a place […]
Are you a Learner or Learned?
Today I attended the first session of PLP ConnectU project. This project, sponsored by the Victoria Education Department (DEECD) is run by Will Richardson and Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach. The project offers year long, job-embedded professional development that helps teachers to re-envision their classrooms, schools, and their roles in education. Five reasons why I enjoyed the day… […]
Skype in the Classroom
As I have blogged about many times in the past I love to flatten my classroom walls and collaborate globally with my students. I have found Skype to be a wonderful tool for collaboration. It is easy, free and has countless uses. Skyping can bring learning to life! In my grade two class we have […]