This collection of 20 maths games helps young children learn about maths while having fun with family members at home. The games for 5 to 8 year olds are easy to play and require minimal equipment.
My Ultimate Guide To Teaching Online Due To School Closures

Last week I published a comprehensive guide to teaching online due to school closures on The Edublogger. There’s something for everyone whether you’re just planning for school closures or are in the midst of teaching online.
A Beginner’s Guide To Copyright And Creative Commons (Simple Explanation For Teachers And Students)

Teachers, are you confused by terms like copyright, public domain, and Creative Commons? You don’t need to be a legal expert to master the basics. Find out what these terms mean and how to teach them in the classroom.
Team Teaching Tips And Options

This post explains how I used to team teach in the primary classroom and a modified model that works well with four classes in one open learning environment. Includes an infographic with team teaching tips!
10 Fun Christmas Classroom Activities

Here are ten Christmas classroom activities that require minimal preparation. No worksheets are needed to get through December and have fun before the break!
10 Productivity Tips For Teachers (And Students)

Want to learn how to manage your time better, be more productive, and get more out of your day with less stress? This post outlines some of my favourite productivity tips. I’d love to hear yours!
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The Unspoken Workflow of the “Tech Savvy”

A humorous flowchart about how to be a ‘tech expert’ has got me thinking about how we are making learning visible in the classroom and how we are encouraging risk taking.
Blogging and the Literacy Curriculum
To realise the many educational benefits of blogging and ensure your program has an extended life-span, blogging needs to be prioritised and planned for. It should to be integrated into the curriculum; busy classrooms rarely have time for “add ons”.
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Looking Back, Looking Forward
This will be my last week teaching before I begin maternity leave. I’m definitely looking forward to my new adventure as a mum but know there will be a lot I will miss about being in the classroom. In packing up my classroom to make way for the new teacher, it has been interesting to […]
- General News
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Going 1:1 – Any Advice?
While the school year is quickly coming to an end, I’m looking forward to teaching grade four again in 2013. Next year my school is introducing a 1:1 netbook program for grade four students. Early this term we held a parent information night and we are now delighted to have around 90% of families signed […]
10 Internet Use Tips for Teachers
Last week I attended a presentation by former police officer and cyber safety expert, Susan McLean. There was a lot to think about at this session and I wrote a post with 10 Internet Safety Tips for Students. I do have some concerns about the way some teachers conduct themselves online and promote internet safety […]
PowerPoint: Dead or Alive?
Since Microsoft PowerPoint was released in 1990, it has been a key tool in many classroom ICT programs and businesses. There seems to be a reoccurring theme in social media that “PowerPoint is dead”. PowerPoint has been the butt of many jokes including this infographic by SlideRocket. Wikipedia outlines a history of the “death by PowerPoint” criticism, […]
Online Maths Activities
We had a numeracy curriculum day at my school today and I was asked to present a workshop on online maths sites. The audience was diverse with teachers from all grade levels as well as CRTs (casual replacement teachers) and student teachers. I began by giving a few tips for using online maths sites. 1. […]
Instructions for Using Creative Commons Images in Blog Posts
Many bloggers are not aware that you can’t just use any images off the internet in your blog posts. Not only is this ethically incorrect but you could leave yourself open to copyright infringement. I teach my student bloggers to “do the right thing” by using their own images or Creative Commons images in their […]
Evolving Parent Communcation
When I began teaching in 2004, my main forms of parent communication were: the occasional class (paper) newsletter chatting to parents at the classroom door signs on the classroom window with reminders reports and parent teacher interviews communication books for some students phone calls or notes home if issues arose While some things have stayed […]