This collection of 20 maths games helps young children learn about maths while having fun with family members at home. The games for 5 to 8 year olds are easy to play and require minimal equipment.
10 Internet Safety Tips for Parents (How to Help Your Child to be Safe Online)

How do we keep children safe online while ensuring their technology use is positive and purposeful? This digital dilemma faces educators and parents worldwide. I offer 10 tips for parents in the form of a printable poster and invite you to share your own advice.
- Parents
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12 Tips For Teachers Communicating With Parents Via Email (With Poster)

These 12 tips will help keep your teacher-parent email exchanges professional, productive, and positive. Summary poster included!
8 Ways Teachers And Schools Can Communicate With Parents In 2020

What is the best way to approach home-school communication in our rapidly changing world? I offer eight ideas with examples from schools and classrooms around the world. How will you be communicating with families in 2020?
8 Ways Teachers And Schools Can Communicate With Parents In 2018

What is the best way to approach home-school communication in our rapidly changing world? I offer eight ideas with examples from schools and classrooms around the world. How will you be communicating with families in 2018?
A Guide to Involving Parents in Your Class Blog
This is an update of some of the posts I’ve written in the past about getting parents involved in blogging. About parents and blogs One of the many benefits of having a class blog is the strengthening of home-school relationships. A class blog can provide a virtual window into the classroom. After having a class blog for […]
10 Internet Safety Tips for Parents
I recently published posts with 10 Internet Safety Tips for Students and 10 Internet Safety Tips for Teachers. If parents, teachers and children can all work together to build a culture of safe and positive internet use, problems can be minimised. Internet safety is a topic that should be regularly and authentically discussed in classrooms, staffrooms […]
Evolving Parent Communcation
When I began teaching in 2004, my main forms of parent communication were: the occasional class (paper) newsletter chatting to parents at the classroom door signs on the classroom window with reminders reports and parent teacher interviews communication books for some students phone calls or notes home if issues arose While some things have stayed […]
Parents Shining in the Blogging Community
Educational blogging is so much more meaningful and rewarding when it occurs within a blogging community. It takes time and persistence to establish your own blogging community. When I first started blogging with my class in 2008, we received the odd comment from a student or parent but there was no other audience or interaction. […]
Family Blogging Afternoon
One of the many benefits of having a class blog is the strengthening of home-school relationships. After having a class blog for a number of years, I have come to realise that you can’t leave parent participation to chance. Parents needs to be educated and regularly encouraged and invited to be part of your class […]
Getting Parents Involved in Blogging
Note: since writing this post, I have created a more detailed guide to helping parents connect with your class blog. Find it here on the Teacher Blogging Challenge site. *************** One of the many benefits of having a class blog is the strengthening of home-school relationships. A class blog can provide a virtual window into […]
Emailing Parents
For the last three years, my class blog has been a great way to communicate with parents. The blog acts as a window into our class and the parents can stay up to date with our activities and achievements. This year, I’ve introduced a parent email newsletter which has been well received. At the start […]