Want your students to learn about blogging while connecting with others around the globe? You might want to join me for the next 10 week Student Blogging Challenge beginning October 7. It’s free and it’s fun!
10 Digital Citizenship and Internet Safety Tips for Teachers and Schools (With Poster)

This post aims to give teachers and schools some quick tips about personal online conduct and also how to navigate internet safety in the classroom. Feel free to share the poster infographic with your colleagues!
Are Your Students Sharing and Amplifying Their Learning?

I’ve been reading about documenting learning with sharing and amplifying in mind. Perhaps sharing online isn’t enough and there are things teachers and students can do to really amplifying the learning experience. I offer some reflections and ideas on how to do this.
The UN Global Goals In Education

This post explains what the UN Global Goals (Sustainable Development Goals) are. There are 7 straightforward ideas on how students and teachers can take action on these goals.
Teaching Children About Digital Footprints and Online Reputations (With Student Poster)

This post breaks down how to teach students about digital footprints. You can also find 10 important things to know about digital footprints summarised in a poster.
Why Teachers And Students Should Blog: 18 Benefits of Educational Blogging

This post unpacks 18 reasons why teachers and students should have a blog. I summarise them all in a PDF poster which you’re welcome to use in your classroom or on your own blog. There are many benefits of educational blogging and I invite you to add your own ideas.
8 Ways Teachers And Schools Can Communicate With Parents In 2018

What is the best way to approach home-school communication in our rapidly changing world? I offer eight ideas with examples from schools and classrooms around the world. How will you be communicating with families in 2018?
Internet Safety Posters for Teachers, Students, Schools, and Parents
Please note, this post was last updated in 2018 and I no longer update this website. Back in the days when technology lived in a computer lab, students were often advised on the narrow topics of cyber safety/internet safety as well as cyberbullying. While still vital concepts, changes in technology use have given rise to […]
10 Internet Use Tips for Teachers
Last week I attended a presentation by former police officer and cyber safety expert, Susan McLean. There was a lot to think about at this session and I wrote a post with 10 Internet Safety Tips for Students. I do have some concerns about the way some teachers conduct themselves online and promote internet safety […]
Are you on LinkedIN?
Recently I read on the oz-teachers mailing list a warning for teachers about using social networking sites unprofessionally. This UK article, suggests that teachers should be cautious of what they post online and check what information is available about them. Teachers are warned that schools are scouring social networking sites and googling potential candidates for […]
How Do You Reflect? Options For Teachers And Students
A few weeks ago, I was listening to Chris Betcher on the Virtual Staffroom podcast interviewing Helen Otway. Helen is an inspiring leader at a Victorian P-12 school. Many of the topics Chris and Helen talked about struck chords with me including the idea of developing a more thoughtful approach to teaching and learning through […]