Teachers, are you confused by terms like copyright, public domain, and Creative Commons? You don’t need to be a legal expert to master the basics. Find out what these terms mean and how to teach them in the classroom.
Team Teaching Tips And Options

This post explains how I used to team teach in the primary classroom and a modified model that works well with four classes in one open learning environment. Includes an infographic with team teaching tips!
8 Ways Teachers And Schools Can Communicate With Parents In 2020

What is the best way to approach home-school communication in our rapidly changing world? I offer eight ideas with examples from schools and classrooms around the world. How will you be communicating with families in 2020?
Free Images, Copyright, And Creative Commons: A Simple Guide For Students And Teachers

Need images for your digital work but not sure where to find them? Learn how to easily and ethically find quality images for students and teachers. You might also be interested in my eBook which clearly explains copyright, Creative Commons, and free images. It includes posters for the primary and high school classroom.
Teaming Up For International Dot Day

International Dot Day is coming up around September 15. Find out how you can get involved with your students and learn what I’m doing to connect and celebrate the day. I also share 5 steps to starting your own team blogging project.
Join Me For The Student Blogging Challenge!

Want your students to learn about blogging while connecting with others around the globe? You might want to join me for the next 10 week Student Blogging Challenge beginning October 7. It’s free and it’s fun!
Are Your Students Sharing and Amplifying Their Learning?

I’ve been reading about documenting learning with sharing and amplifying in mind. Perhaps sharing online isn’t enough and there are things teachers and students can do to really amplifying the learning experience. I offer some reflections and ideas on how to do this.
How To Connect with Other Classes Around the World Through Blogging

Global competency is a must for our students! This post outlines dos and don’ts for teachers looking to connect their students with other classes around the world through blogging.
Why Teachers And Students Should Blog: 18 Benefits of Educational Blogging

This post unpacks 18 reasons why teachers and students should have a blog. I summarise them all in a PDF poster which you’re welcome to use in your classroom or on your own blog. There are many benefits of educational blogging and I invite you to add your own ideas.
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Comments For Kids Still Count: Teaching And Promoting Quality Commenting

A discussion about a shift in the nature of blogging has inspired me to reflect on the role blog comments still play in a classroom blogging program. I share 8 tips for teaching and promoting quality commenting with students.
Join Me! Teach Tech Play Conference

Have you heard of Teach Tech Play? This is a professional learning community that helps inspire and empower educators. Check out my online presentation, or come and join me at the Melbourne conference in April!
8 Ways Teachers And Schools Can Communicate With Parents In 2018

What is the best way to approach home-school communication in our rapidly changing world? I offer eight ideas with examples from schools and classrooms around the world. How will you be communicating with families in 2018?
Global Project Idea: Two Truths and One Lie

I recently came up with a global project idea that is so versatile it could work with any age group or subject area. Why not give it a try?
Monster Project: Global Collaboration Idea For Halloween

This Halloween inspired global project idea is fun, straightforward, and rewarding. All you need is a class and a blog!
Are Blogs Dead?

I am often asked about the future of blogging in education. This post explains how blogging is alive and well, yet is evolving.