International Dot Day is coming up around September 15. Find out how you can get involved with your students and learn what I’m doing to connect and celebrate the day. I also share 5 steps to starting your own team blogging project.
global project
Join Me For The Student Blogging Challenge!

Want your students to learn about blogging while connecting with others around the globe? You might want to join me for the next 10 week Student Blogging Challenge beginning October 7. It’s free and it’s fun!
The UN Global Goals In Education

This post explains what the UN Global Goals (Sustainable Development Goals) are. There are 7 straightforward ideas on how students and teachers can take action on these goals.
How To Connect with Other Classes Around the World Through Blogging

Global competency is a must for our students! This post outlines dos and don’ts for teachers looking to connect their students with other classes around the world through blogging.
Global Project Idea: Two Truths and One Lie

I recently came up with a global project idea that is so versatile it could work with any age group or subject area. Why not give it a try?
Our World, Our Numbers Global Project
My class is currently involved in a wonderful global project called Our World, Our Numbers. We launched Our World, Our Numbers alongside our blogging buddies on Monday 25th February. In late 2011, many of us worked on a global project called Our World, Our Stories. This latest project is based on a similar format with a […]
Reflection on Our World, Our Stories
The Our World, Our Stories project has come to an end this week. It has been one of the most rewarding experiences of 2011 for my class. My grade two students worked with classes in the USA, Canada, Belize, New Zealand and Ghana to share their stories and learn about how others live. We used […]
Our World, Our Stories
Next week, my class will be joining in with many of their “blogging buddies” from around the world in a new global project. This project is called Our World, Our Stories and the blog will be our central meeting place. After months of planning, we look forward to launching this seven week project on […]
My Journey with Global Collaboration
Bright Ideas is a blog by the School Library Association of Victoria and the State Library of Victoria. Rachel from Bright Ideas recently asked if I’d share with readers how I got involved in global collaboration and I was only too happy to help. Hopefully, together we can inspire more teachers to make connections globally […]
After Effects of the Ugandan Global Project
As I have previously blogged about, the Ugandan Global Project involved six grade two and three classes working together to raise money for a Ugandan School. We raised $20,000 and all students students involved in the project developed enormously both on an academic and personal level. Click here to read part one explaining the project. […]
Global Education Conference Presentation
This week (Thursday/Friday), Linda Yollis will be presenting about our Ugandan Global Project at the Global Education Conference. This is a free online conference for anyone around the world. The session is held in Elluminate. The goal of the conference is to help everyone make connections with other educators and students in order to increase […]
Ugandan Global Project Update
As I have previously blogged about here and here, my grade two class has been working with five other classes around the world on a Ugandan Global Project. We worked on a blog together to learn about Uganda and the nationalities involved, and completed a run/walk fundraiser to raise money for the ABC Divine Foundation […]
Ugandan Global Project: Part Two
Last week, I blogged about the Ugandan Global Project which we launched today. Read the Part One post here. Mrs Yollis and her students made this fantastic video to launch the project. Mission To raise the social conscience and global awareness of our students through fundraising for The ABC Divine Foundation Primary School in Mutundwe, […]
Ugandan Global Project: Part One
The school holidays are almost over here in Victoria and on Monday I’m launching an exciting new global project. As I have previously blogged about, I have found global projects to be one of the richest ways to use technology in the classroom. My class has collaborated globally with others both informally and in a […]
Global Collaborative Projects
One of the richest ways you can use technology in the classroom is to collaborate globally. I am becoming a big fan of global collaborations and the projects my Grade Two students work on are proving to be powerful learning experiences. Global collaboration provides authentic learning opportunities that help students learn about another culture while […]