Web 2.0 is a term that is coming up quite frequently in the world of eLearning. It is a term that is used to describe the way the Internet has evolved into an interactive resource. Web 2.0 is the “second generation” of the web. Where as the Internet used to be used as a one way resource (eg for simply reading information), it is now more about interaction and information sharing….doing something.
A typical Web 1.0 activity may have been reading an article online about say, kangaroos.
A typical Web 2.0 activity may be going to a site such as Wikipedia where you can read plus add, edit and correct an article about kangaroos (or nearly 3 million other articles!).
There are a number of web based tools and services that demonstrate what Web 2.0 is all about. These include blogs, wikis, tagging, social bookmarking, social networking, multimedia sharing, podcasting, RSS and syndication. All of these tools or services emphasise collaboration and sharing. Reading this blog should keep you up to date with all of these newer concepts! You can also check out http://www.go2web20.net/ which is a directory of Web 2.0 sites.
Web 2.0 is being embraced in education as it can make learning more collaborative, personalised and innovative. While teachers and students must make themselves aware of security issues with using Web 2.0 technologies, there are so many fantastic opportunities for enriching teaching and learning which must not be missed!
Now that you understand what Web 2.0 is, some people are talking about Web 3.0 where the Internet becomes more personalised to you and can be almost like a personal assistant. Stay tuned for more info on that one!!