Some Tips for Classroom Blogging

Here are some quick tips to get the most out of your class blog that I have learnt through working with my class on the 2KM Blog. Leave a comment if there are any other good tips that I have forgotten!

  • Encourage parents to be involved in the blog and leave comments. It may sound easier said than done but I have found that when students are involved in writing posts they are always keen to go home and show their work to their parents. I have also made this guide for parents so they know the basics of how to navigate the blog Your Guide to Getting the Most out of 2KM’s Blog
  • Reply to comments. We usually try to write a reply when people leave a comment on our blog. Ensure you have the “subscribe to comments” plugin installed on your Edublog/Global Student blog so people can chose to be sent a notification email when new comments are posted on the entry.
  • Use a variety of media on your blog. I started with just using text and photos but have extended on this to make the blog more interesting and rich with audio, videos and various web 2.0 tools (Voicethread, Wordle, Slideshare etc).
  • Build a global audience. An important part of the blogging journey is learning is making connections and comment on others’ blogs as well as working on your own blog. Sue Water’s has a great list of class blogs from around the world on her Edubloggers Blog. This is an excellent place to find blogs that you can make connections with. My class has learnt a lot from the relationships they have formed with their global friends. My students also love checking out where their visitors are from on our Clustrmap. This is a great way to teach geography too!
  • Keep updating your blog! While it does take a bit of work to keep your blog updated, it is well worth it! People will not keep looking at blogs that are seldom updated.

6 Replies to “Some Tips for Classroom Blogging”

  1. Thank you for the great tips. I just set-up blogs for all the students in one of my classes. I’m a bit nervous about the whole thing, so gathering all the tips I can find. Thanks again!

  2. Thanks Paige. Good luck setting up your blogs! As my students are young (Grade Two) I just use a whole class blog but I’m sure you’re older students will get the hang of it very quickly! I’m just looking through all the great links on your site. Have added them to my delicious! Thanks!

  3. Good thoughts and a very informative post. I am awed by this entire concept of classroom blogging. In a way this prepares the students for blogging and teach them what blogging is in a excellent hand-holding format.

  4. I agree, I feel like with these younger students it is a bit of a “hand holding” experience into blogging with the hope that they’ll be able to blog independently when a bit older.

  5. Hi, I’m just getting familiar with blogging and I enjoyed your “tips”. I especially like the parent’s guide you included to help those like myself who just need a little guidance. Thanks!

  6. Thanks Laura – I’m glad you found it useful. Good luck on your bloggin journey!

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