About del.icio.us…

 My list of favourite sites have become so large that I’ve saved them all on my delicous account. Click here or on the picture below to check the links out. I have sorted them into tags (categories) which you can click on on the right hand side. There is a search box on the top right hand side. Enjoy!

What is del.icio.us?

del.icio.us is a social bookmarking website, which means it is designed to allow you to store and share bookmarks (your favourite websites) on the web, instead of inside your browser.

This has several advantages…

First, you can get to your bookmarks from any computer.

Second, you can share your bookmarks publicly, so your friends, coworkers, and other people can view them for reference, amusement, collaboration, or anything else. (You can also mark bookmarks on del.icio.us as private – only viewable by you – if you like.)

Third, you can find other people on del.icio.us who have interesting bookmarks and add their links to your own collection.

Check it out! Type in a topic in the search bar. This could be a topic you are currently teaching or something you want to find out about (anything from photography to travel, recipes or renovating). del.icio.us users have probably already compiled lists of their favourite websites which might be useful for you!

You can also browse popular tags (keyword descriptors) for topics of interest to you!

One Reply to “About del.icio.us…”

  1. Great work on your del.icio.us site Kath, I use it a lot for planning my IWB activities. The sites you choose to add are always good ones. It was well worth the time you put into creating it!!! 🙂

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